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Definition of Community Health Nursing

Community health nursing consists of three words namely nursing, health and community, where each word has quite a broad meaning. Azrul Azwar (2000) defines the three words as follows:
1. Nursing is the study of deviations or unfulfillment of basic human needs that can affect changes, deviations or non-functioning optimally of every unit contained in the biological system of the human body, both individually, families, or the community and ecosystem.
2. Health is the study of human health problems ranging from the individual level to the level of ecosystems and the improvement of the functions of each unit in the biological system of the human body starting from the sub level up to the level of the body system.
3. Community is a group of people who are interconnected more often than other human beings who are outside and are interrelated to meet the needs of goods and services that are important to support daily life.

According to WHO (1959), community nursing is a specialized field of care which is a combination of skills in nursing, public health and social assistance, as part of an overall public health program to improve health, improve social conditions, improve the physical environment, rehabilitation, prevent disease and a greater danger, addressed to individuals, families, who have problems where it affects society as a whole.

Community health nursing is a professional nursing service aimed at the community with an approach to high risk groups, in an effort to achieve optimal health status through disease prevention and health improvement by ensuring the affordability of health services needed and involving clients as partners in planning, implementing and evaluating services nursing (Spradley, 1985; Logan and Dawkin, 1987).

Community health nursing according to ANA (1973) is a synthesis of public health practices undertaken to improve and maintain public health. The practice of community health nursing is holistic by not limiting the services provided to certain age groups, is sustainable and involves the community.

From the above definitions, it can be concluded that community health care is a field in nursing that is an integration of nursing and public health with the support of community participation, as well as prioritizing sustainable promotive and preventive services without neglecting curative and rehabilitative services, as a whole and integrated integrated whole unity through the nursing process to participate in optimizing the function of human life.

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