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Detailed Information Causes and Symptoms of Gastric Infection

Often feel stomach pain? Be careful maybe it is an infection of the stomach, immediately check!

Gastric infection can occur as a result of friction in the stomach activity. Friction will be more severe if an empty stomach due to irregular eating that will ultimately lead to bleeding in the stomach. Other disorders of the stomach is gastritis or inflammation of the stomach. Can also be infected, causing inflammation of the appendix is called appendicitis.

Then, the stomach wall covered with mucus, which also contained the enzyme. If the defense is damaged mucus, digestive enzymes will eat small portions of the surface layer of the stomach, causing gastric infections. Infections cause perforation of the stomach wall of the stomach so that the stomach contents fall in the abdominal cavity. Most of this gastric infection caused by certain types of bacterial infections.

Gastric Infection Causes include:
  • The presence of emotional stress and excessive pressure on someone.
  • The presence of gastric acid and pepsin excessive.
  • Mucosa (mucous membrane) of the stomach is not resistant to gastric acid and pepsin excessive due to the decreasing ability of the gastric mucosa function.
  • Irregular meal times, often late eating, or overeating often
  • Too much spicy food, acid, alcohol, certain drugs with high doses.

While the symptoms are:
  • Nausea and often vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain, stinging (bloating and tightness) in the upper abdomen (solar plexus).
  • Drastically decreased appetite, pale face, body temperature rises, cold sweat.
  • Frequent belching especially when hungry.
  • It's hard to sleep because of pain disorders in the abdominal area.
  • Head feels dizzy. And the bleeding stomach ulcers can occur.

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