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Nursing Care Plan - Knowledge Deficit related to Autism

Autism comes from the word "auto" which means alone. Persons with Autism as if living in his own world. Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder in children characterized by the disruption and delays in cognitive, language, behavior, communication and social interaction. Autism is a developmental disorder specifically occurs in childhood, which makes a person unable to conduct social interaction and as if living in his own world. In children commonly called Infantile Autism.

Type of Autism
a. Classic Autism
Presence of nerve damage from birth, because during pregnancy, mothers infected with the virus, such as rubella, or exposure to dangerous heavy metals like mercury and lead that impact menagacaukan the formation of nerve cells in the fetal brain.

b. Regressive Autism
Autismee regressive arise when children aged between 12 to 24 months. Previously a relatively normal child development, but suddenly at the age of 2 years, the child's ability declined. Who had been able to make 2 to 3 word sentences turns silent and no longer speak. The conclusion of the experts said regressive autism appear as children directly contaminated by trigger factor. The most highlighted is exposure to heavy metals, especially mercury and lead from the environme.

Causes of Autism
  • Neurobiological disorder that affects brain function such that the child is not able to interact and communicate effectively with the outside world.
  • Genetic factors.
  • Immune disorders.

Characteristics of Autism
  • Willing and happy to engage in activities that repeat.
  • Very little to talk as a medium of communication.
  • Always do preoccupation through certain objects which indicate that as if only the activities performed.
  • Happy lazing sleeping or sitting alone with winnowing indifferent, pale face, and eyes glaze and always looking down.
  • Always silent all the time.
  • If there is a question to him, the answer is very slowly in a monotone, then with a strange voice he would say or tell him with a few words, then silence alone again.
  • Never ask, do not show fear, no desire that bemacam-wide and do not enjoy round.
  • Does not seem the story.
  • Do not care about the environment except in his preferred objects such as dolls.
  • Do not want to be hugged.
  • Barriers in communication verbal and non-verbal.
  • Physically too active or not active at all.
  • Children with autism have delays in speech, perhaps using language in a strange way or not able to even do not want to talk at all.

Early Detection of Autism

To be able to know the early symptoms of autism, has developed a checklist called the M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers). Here is an important question for parents:
  • Is your child interested in other children?
  • Is your child able to point to notify their interest in something?
  • Is your child ever bring an object to be shown to the parents?
  • Is your child imitate your behavior?
  • Is your child respond when his name was called?
  • If you point a toy from a distance, whether your child will look towards the toy?
If you answer NO to two or more questions, then you should consult with a professional who specializes in child development and explore the field of autism.

Autism therapy at home
  • Starting from the often invite children to talk, helps focus the conversation, to request or direct the child's face when we were talking. Waking up too pleasant atmosphere in communicating, such as by presenting a variety of colorful games, picture books, or games he likes.
  • Each child expects praise, and praise in children with autism can be useful as a guide 'the right way'. Give praise by words or show your affection if the child can answer well.
  • Do gymnastics or simple movements such as games move the body. Tilting the head several times, turning the body to the right and left, hand raised high, etc.. This whole movement will support the creation of motor exercises on the child's brain, so it will be easy to administer therapy.
  • Always prepare yourself stay patient to communicate with children. Certainly not an easy thing to give love than in normal children, but as a surrogate God and our love fruit, it should still get fondling them according to their needs affection.

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